Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Friday, 25 September 2009

Plot 1: Food as weapons

Plot 1: Food as weapons

How can you trust someone that they're not poisoning you, your family and friends by using food?

How much can you trust a stranger who cooks food so well and comes to sell delicious lunch boxes to the Government agency staffs who miss their home country food so dearly?

How can you be sure that one day Mumbai Dabbawala India will not be used by a terrorist as a conspiracy theory to kill 200,ooo lunchers daily?  

Heels = Dicks

Sunday night,
On the dance floor,
I was wearing flats
then this came to my mind

"Me without heels is like a man without a dick."

And if you want to save my life, just like throwing a life vest to a drowning girl... 

Can somebody throw a pair of heels to me on the dance floor, please? 





We are drunk in it.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Get Lost

Use your Garmin to get lost rather than get it right. what on earth could be more pleasant than the road less travelled?

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

How ridiculous a person can be.

They were fighting in a lick-the-boss's-arse war.
They were praising themselves in what they had done in the past, not what they are going to do in the future.
They were boasting instead of listening to other people's problems. 
They were talking about numbers, size, money, ranks, positions, and praise.
Wrong time, wrong place. 
I'm not writing this with angryness,
I'm telling it enlightenedly how ridiculous a human being could be and feel pityful.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

fine art

I kept asking myself why I was turned off by the exhibition "Walking in My Mind" at Hayward Gallery ... and then Futurism at Tate Modern.... 2 years ago I enjoyed finding the meanings behind those art pieces in museums. Today I feel like I don't give a shit about what's on your mind about yourself or what your childhood was like, Nara. I feel that the in your face like Banksy's or Steven Meisel's fashion editorial are much more appreciable. Simple, sarcastic, easy to understand, about people, about the world, for people and they are the voice of what's going on now... getting tired of some kind of fine art.. feeling kinda weird. We don't need to look for meanings in every thing.. it's too complicated!!

some thoughts

Some thoughts from watching passerby at weekends.

Some kinds of heels can make some women look so ridiculous.

Oh I really love your smelling-good-intendedly-rugged look.

Worn out is cool.

Cool people simply dress basics - tee, jeans and Converse because they know they are cool enough that they need nothing more.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

About a Boy

A small hero.

A boy: Nan, you don't like rats, do you?
Nan: No, I run away every time I see them.
A boy: I will get a snake. And when the rat comes, I will tell the snake "Go After It!!"
Another old lady asked the boy, "Why don't you like rats?"
"Because they bite!" replied the boy.

Circle line, getting off at Baker Street. 

What I would miss much about London

What I would miss much about London.

- A World in 6 seats. There are times when I see an Asian, Black, White, Indian, Middle-eastern, English sitting next to each other on tube seats. United Colors of London.

- There is nothing wrong with wearing ragged, ripped clothes. Kate Moss started it. Ripped stockings are cool. And you have to rip it at the parties. A tee with a broken seem is fine... perhaps they does it by intention?

- Drink Don't Drive. Because I own no car. My feet are my Land Rover. A bus driver is my chauffeur.

- Seeing people carrying papers while walking in Portobello market on Sunday mornings.

- An appreciation of sunshine.

- Tesco's Bagged Baby Leaf Salad

- Salmon & Mushroom

- People dress out of this world to show off on streets at weekends.

- Sunbathe in Hyde park

- Spotting the Americans

- Good taste kids

- Do you need a bag?

- Uncles/Grandpas in jeans and Converse

- Grandmas wearing pink lipstick with fabulous earrings

11:11 / 22:22

Most of the time I have a look at iPhone screen for the time, it appears to me either 11:11 or 22:22. It's been like this over ten times for the past month. Nice.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

A night in London

A night in London
Come away with me.
How can you mend a broken heart?
My blueberry nights.
Is he too slow to cross the street? Will he be alright?

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Can't you hear my heartbeat?

boys will be boys

An accident of colors

An accident of colors.
How beautiful.

The truth about life.

The truth about life.

You are highly praised when you are not there any more.
You were slammed so hard while you were alive.
We wish he could hear our praise, 
we wish he could feel our love, 
we wish he was listening to all the good words we have, 
we wish he could see our tears...

How sad that a person is worth praising only when he is gone.

Sunday, 12 April 2009


He is one of the first of my childhood memories.
Everyday I would hear this teachings after the news on TV. 
And I wondered how could one person can have so many thoughts to teach us.
Not feeling of him as a King, I feel so familiar with him although  I have never met the real him.
He is like a big tree or a shelter or a father that makes me feel safe everyday and when there was bloodshed... I know he would do something when necessary.
I was not so excited about 60th Anniversary celebrations, I didn't care about the great celebration itself, wasn't there either in front of TV or at the venue. I didn't think that it is important. I still remember I was at the office preparing a presentation. I just sent him my best wishes and felt thankful I was born in his time.
I always think being born royal is worse than being born ordinary people like me. You have to sacrifice a lot if you want to be a good royal.
He does not need be good to us. He does not need be bad either. He could choose to be ignorant.
But he has been a good King. And if he weren't a King, as a person, he would be a good person.
What more can we expect from a person? 
Why do we have to expect so much from him whilst he has been giving us more than we have rights to expect from a person?

So many sad songs out there for my sad feelings, but there is no such song for this broken heart at this moment. I'm hurt Thais fight each other and we are breaking his heart.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

I could have been on that train... or not.

I met this lady at the Kindertransport statue at Liverpool Street Station.
She was sitting in front of the statue and being filmed by her middle-aged son.
It took a while and I wonder she must have some horrific memories about the Holocaust and Kindertransport when she was a small girl.
Her gesture, sitting still in sunshine, her eyes kept looking at these metal children, and then gently touched the word 'Vienna' made me ask her, "Were you on that train?"

She replied, "I was lucky. I have a family here. But yes yes I could have been on that train... or not". Looking deep in her eyes, I feel the pain of an 80-year-old baby who had to unwillingly witness the most horrific event that left the scars to millions of people.

And the last words she said to me was, 'Thank you'.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Always speechless

The Holocaust Exhibition, Imperial War Museum

I always get speechless about the holocaust.

Having seen drawings and poems of a Jewish girl for her German friend in a concentration camp hurts.

A walk in Auschwitz paralyzed me.

Think about the quote "The world is divided into places where they (Jewish people) cannot live and places into which they cannot enter" over and over.

And learn from what Heinrich Heine said, "Where one burns books, one will, in the end, burn people".

For the past week, I feel that the tone of the voice of Thaksin from the telespeech sounds similar to Adolf Hitler. And I despises what he does and what he says. And I take side, the opposite side to him and believe that eventually in the end of his life, it would be as catastrophic as how Hitler and his dickhead acquaintances ended their lives.

Let the karma do it job.

Why we human never learn to learn from the past?
And how can some people be so power hungry?
In the end, we cannot take anything with us.
Such a fool.

Friday, 27 March 2009

Dancing in Spring

My walk in Chepstow Villas.
What a lovely thought that someone put this couple to dance in blooming flowers.

Love grey

My favorite color.

Broken keyboard is like an old lady's falling teeth.

And I wonder the alphabets I statically use the most is J & K ?

The collapse of traffic light

Bond Street

The traffic light was hit by a long trailer trying to turn left and it couldn't resist the gravity any more.

Make it clear


From a front door of a house in SOHO. They make it clear, "No Prostitutes Here".
Fed up with the door knocks or sense of humour?


at La Fromagerie

How innocent she is. She fed these goats with sugar cubes. That would make delicious goat cheese.

A Train & Relationship

on Heathrow Connect. This would make a good vignette. 

A train is like a relationship
what if I was in this bogie, and you were in another one.
what if I was heading West but you just decided you want to head East?
what if we met and chatted in this train but you said you're tired and you want get off before me?
what if I want to go to next stations, but you don't want to go anywhere else but here?
what if we were once the same line but at that point one day we have to go parallel? 

The Hug

From Soul i-D exhibition

I love hugging and being hugged.


My mom told me since I was young she believes in guardian angels, those who protect her when something bad is going to happen. It can be a sort of unseen energy or good people who happen to come to help at the right time. I thought it was bullshit but the older I am, the more I believe in such things and feel thankful for having guardian angels around me to always keep me out of trouble.

> A drug-crazed guy on the basement climbed up and knocked my window at 4 am with two glasses of champagne. 
My angel was my elementary friend who came back from a night out with me and made me feel safe by talking peace with that guy. Although we got so scared in the end because the dickhead was swearing at us like he was gonna eat our flesh.

> I sent my passport to request for visa on Friday. My parents just landed Monday night to stay with me here for a month. Tuesday, my housekeeper received a call from the Thai Embassy in London that my passport is with them. I thought, "such a curious case... I need a Sherlock Holmes" Wednesday, my dad received a call he hadn't answered for a couple of times and it was a call from the Thai embassy informing us that my lost passport is with them. It was sent to them Tuesday evening. On a bus to the embassy, I was frustrated and wondering how that happened. Where are other documents? Did it come with the passport? And why 400 pounds was taken out of my bank account this morning for the visa fee? When I got there, the only thing I received is my passport only. With the help from the embassy, they gave me an official letter as a confirmation that what they got is the passport, with no other documents. My parents and I then went to the Home Office in Croydon. The letter was my passport to get in the office unless anybody with no appointment can get in. Meeting a gentle officer, he then contacted the Sheffield office and checked whether they have received other documents which are my MA certificate, two letters from the University and my personal bank statements. Fortunately, they have received it and I was told that the officer there told him they were aware that there was something wrong with packet. I then passed my passport to the officer and they will post it to the Sheffield office. Such a case. Really strange case. But I feel so thankful that my dear passport came back to me. Thank you my angels: my housekeeper p'Uan who lets me know the news, my parents who came just in time with relaxing attitude,  a person who posted it to the embassy, all helpful officers at the Thai embassy who understood how frustrated I was, a generous officer at Home Office... all angels, thank you all energy force that drove things to happen at the right time and the right place.. I thought it wasn't right at first but finally I feel thankful and thank you my angels, both seen and unseen, I'm going to treat you well.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

men / constructivism

After this exhibition, during Saturday afternoon conversation on relationship, a new crush, flirting, love, and lust at TATE cafe, my friends and I came up with the observation that men are like constructivism - like those straight lines drawn by a ruler on a canvas.

Love these insights

Psychology Today, February 2009
Insights: Navigating Wall Streets Is More of a Mind Game than Ever by Sadia Latifi

How did we enter financial freefail?
Here's one contribution. People cheat more when they aren't dealing with real money.
Abstractions - whether it's a poker chip or a stock option - make people more comfortable with fudging the rules. Start trading fancy derivatives and your morals just might come unmoored.

Friday, 20 February 2009

so true

So true about St Martins!
From 107 Charing Cross Road by Murray Healy, LOVE magazine

...This is why Kappo loves the place. 'You think it's a shitty old rundown building, freezing cold, with windows don't close properly, noise and dust, whatever. But no one is precious about this place. And because you're not precious about it, you use it...'

Thursday, 19 February 2009

oh i love it

i love how Hanna Hanra beautifully describes how 1960s was like in i-D March 2009 sooo much.

"There was something happening in London, the sixties were swinging.
All along the watchtower and all down the Kings Road, the youths were marking their territory with mini's, midi's and maxi's, the contraceptive pill was making it ok to share some of the loving feeling that was in the air. No longer was being a teenager a grey area. The times, they were a changing and culture needed a poster pin up to become the face of generation."

Monday, 16 February 2009

dot to dot

I slipped in my rubber flats.
An anonymous guy smiled to me.
If we can catagoriz types of smiles, this would be what I call an assuring smile that says, 'hey, it's alright to walk and slip'.
Just two seconds, he made me feel so good.
It feels good to slip sometimes.

What if we take incidents in life as connected dots, rather than the one bold line drawn as lifetime or long term commitment to someone to make us feel good, to make us feel that we have a shelter to comfort us all the time?
What if we are happy with those dots which are the collected feel good things that we get from different people and strangers we happen to come across in one second, a week, a month, a year and there is no requirement for a life time commitment?
What if we are not overtly committed to any one and don't expect them to make us feel good, but rather jump from dot to dot and enjoy it?

Like the dot to dot I used to play when I was young.
I'm going start playing it again now.

This makes me think of Orange's recent campaign - "I Am Everyone".
Not so directly, but in a way.
If I were them, I might want to try using the dot to dot visual.

What makes me choose these brands

What makes me buy the brands I buy at Tesco, Tuna in a can and tissue rolls is the handle of the big tissue bag and the easy open end of the can.

Small things count.

As in life, sometimes we fall in love with someone for the first time by just a very small thing in their personality whether it's their accent, their pace, their movement, their gesture, their smile, or their messy hair.

Just came across a related article in New Scientist
"How Your Looks Betray Your Personality"

These twins made my day.

These twins made my day.
They reacted a lot to the environment, they made faces, they learned to imitate facial expression, they pointed at things, they tried to speak.
They are new to the world and they got so excited.

Let's keep our eyes young.

Life needs what's next.

My life needs something to look forward to.
Both the planned ones and the unknown.

Looking forward to meeting my new-born nephew in Thailand.
Looking forward to 1st of every month to read forecasts on www.astrologyzone.com
Looking forward to the fresh smell of new monthly magazines.
Looking forward to hearing my daddy's jokes.
Looking forward to kissing my grandma's cheeks.
Looking forward to teasing my mummy.
Looking forward to Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones exhibition
Looking forward to "what's next?". C'mon life, bring it on.
It's like a guessing game. Without these, the excitement and the fun is gone.

It reminds me of the quote from Vicky Cristina Barcelona - "Only unfulfilled love can be romantic". It lies more in the wanting and the guessing games in life.

Not so related thinking:
Most of us look forward to New Years and Birthdays.
The time which we celebrate and a mark of the new bright beginning.
But my dad told me that perhaps we human create all the special days such as New Years or Birthdays and celebrate it to cheat ourselves, ageing and to make us feel good about the truth that we can never avoid - we're getting older every year.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

The Verse

Last night the DJ played the remix of "Gold Digger" with my favourite verse sang by Jamie Foxx being repeated
"She take my money when I'm in need".
Just this one verse that made people sing along and get movin'.

If life were a song, sometimes a favourite verse is like a favourite phase of life - one moment, one specific phase that you enjoy the most and wish it replay forever.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Love his speech

And the BAFTA goes to.... Mickey Rourke.
Love his speech!!!!!


The best of the best show in town.
The magic of human body.
These people brave what we understood as human limitation to objects - tennis rackets, hula hoops, puppets, etc
The passion I can feel from the flesh in front of me.
Beautifully-made, it gives the audience the thrill, laugh, excitement - to reconnect with human emotion, to feel that we can still feel. Amazingggggggggg. It reminds me of the film "The Prestige". They're playing with the real thing. And if something goes wrong, people would think it's a joke, the show must go on and that would be the scariest part of the show that nobody else knows but the artists that have to carry on.

Old Person Home

Artists: Sun Yuan and Peng Ty
13 life size sculptures and 13 dynamoelectric wheelchairs
The Saatchi Gallery

When I first saw just heads of mobile old people on wheelchairs from the corridor, I thought wow it's such a good programme that takes old people to see contemporary art at the Saatchi Gallery.
Moving a bit closer, I got more suspicious. Why nothing else in the room but these old crowds on the wheelchairs.
I was amazed and really love the way it is displayed in an open space where you can walk close to the them, obstruct their wheelchairs, take a closer look till you see that they are all sculptures made with very interesting details (i really love the ear wax in the ears of one sculpture. it's what an old person usually has!)...... it's incredibly well-made, full with details.
Look very much like real people.
Most of them are dressed in military uniforms and have something in hands that reminds them of the past, the war the went.
In the last bit of your life, it's you and your past that live together, probably because the future for old people comes too quickly and too scary to look forward to? Not a type of countdown that you would enjoy looking forward to like other countdowns. Reminiscent of the past can probably make you feel it's not too scared to live.
Love love love the work and this exhibition.


"Reopen" is one of the words that really make my day.
Like today at 6 pm, I was on my way to the class.
Here comes bus no.52, ahead of me.
Running as fast as I could, I still missed it.
Having seen the door slowly closed, I stopped and let go, telling myself 'it's okay'.
But then in seconds, it's reopened.
I jumped on, gave a biggest smile to the bus driver, and said the biggest thank you to him.
One word I silently said to myself, "YOU MAKE MY DAY".

An everyday-human kindness that exists even in the dusk as long as you don't turn a blind eye.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

On the Fags.. how a smoker thinks

from ELLE March 2009
Interview with Gwyneth Paltrow by Craig McLean

Craig: Shall we pop outside for a cigarette?

Gwyneth: Man, I wish smoking didn't kill you, I'd be smoking right now. I miss it. The last cigarette I smoked was the day I found out I was pregnant with Apple. I had to sit down and smoke one final cigarette [a mourning sigh]. It's such a beautiful thing, I'm so pissed of it gives you cancer. Cigarettes were my upper, they were my downer. I would think with them, write with them. I just love them so much. The act of lighting them. I love the way the raw tobacco smells. But then, once you have children, if you've witnessed a death like I did with my father, you just can't. I'd never want to put them through what I went through. So I don't do it. But I've decided that when I'm about 70 I'm going to start smoking again. Why not? I can't wait!

Both worlds in one Elle

Bought ELLE March 2009 with Gwyneth Paltrow on the cover. Whilst I was flipping through pages, magazine insertions fell down. Two are not the same. Completely different. One is PLAN's brochure seeking sponsors for children in countries like Bolivia, the Philippines, and Sierra Leone with an image of a smiley girl in poverty on the cover. Another one? Much more sophisticated - Agent Provocateur's "Tableaux Vivants" poster inspired by virgins, Greek god, lust in paradise

hmmm... both worlds in one. totally different. one is asking for basic needs. another one indulges in the world of black pasties, micronet hold ups and fine French embroidery anglais. something i'm still thinking about... hmmm.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

My most favourite exhibitions so far

1.Psycho Buildings at the Hayward Gallery

2.Life Before Death at the Wellcome Collection

3.The House of Viktor & Rolf at the Barbican Centre

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Medium or Large

It usually happens when I am standing in front of an eggs shelf at Tesco looking at confusing options.

Medium free range
Medium Organic
Large free range
Large Organic

Then I think of Buddha's teaching, go for a moderate way.

I chose Medium.

Reality doesn't bite, it heals.

Reality doesn't bite, it heals.

she, bank notes, and bites

I met this woman. She works at Lloyds. She once tried to convince me to put my money to a special account. I didn't do so. She counts thousands of bank notes each day. I met her again on bus no.7 today. And she was biting her nails - the hand that she counts thousands of bank notes every day.

A Matter of the L


And today I heard one lady speaking on the phone with her cheating husband.. to add one more word, "Lies".

At the end of the conversation, she seemed Lonely.

love her

really love Beyonce's drummer! Brutal!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Quotes of the Week

No one forget the truth. They just get better with lying. - April in the Revolutionary Road

Pathetic self-diluted little boy. - April in the Revolutionary Road

Living life as it matters. - April in the Revolutionary Road

You didn't feel like a mistake to me. - Randy in the Wrestler

Have a beer with me? One beer. - Randy in the Wrestler

To grow in the future we must learn from the past

full version available at http://www.brandrepublic.com/Campaign/Features/Features/874449/grow-future-learn-past/

The part I like....

We are, quite rightly, an industry obsessed with tomorrow. Relentlessly searching for the next big idea. And that next big idea can't look anything like yesterday's big idea. Ours is a ruthlessly creative culture, more so than any other.

We have to accept, however, that we live in an age of unprecedented change. Accelerating so fast that we only see the presents as it disappears from our consciousness. Thanks to the power of digital technology, we make mistakes faster than at any other time in our existence. - Sir John Hegarty, Campaign

Hegarty's favourite ad

Heineken Water in Majorca - This famous campaign, originated by Terry Lovelock, produced some truly wonderful work. For me, this was one of the best. I genuinely think that, 500 years from now, anthropologists wishing to understand the British in the latter part of the 20th century will just play this commercial. Our obsession with class, language and self-deprecating humour are all supremely expressed. And all in 60 seconds.


Rare feels so good.

These days where everything is convenient and always at fingertips, the feeling of getting something hard to get feels so great.

6 inches thick this morning - London is severely under cover of snow.

If it snowed everyday in London, we wouldn't have enjoyed it this much.

This makes me feel there is a surprise in life.
It brings people closer - strangers interact, laugh together, smile to each other without a reason... just that they feel they share the excitement of the arrival of this rareness as if how we feel about an arrival of a newborn.

Friday, 30 January 2009

Not very different but very different

Not very different but very different.

Bitter vs Better
Tired vs Retired
Lonely vs Loved
There vs Here

Thursday, 29 January 2009

The Wrestler

Love it.
When you see a big guy cry and being both physically and emotionally fragile, it's heartbreaking.
Big guys also need to be nurtured, too.
I started to like this kind of styling (yeah, it's unusual) and the Ram's gesture, touching his left side hair and the ritual touch at his elbows before he fights.
Mickey Rourke rocks!
The Wrestler rocks!
The screenplay is brilliant.

About the Back

Talking about the Back, I was just back from watching a film "The Wrestler" and surprisingly, I realized 40-50% of the main character appearance, "the Ram" or "Randy" (played by superb Mickey Rourke) is his back. The first 3-4 minutes of the film, all I see was Randy's back and Rourke was superb that he could show the emotion through his back, hands and gesture. I mean it. So powerful and How could Rourke do that?

I think this is a symbol of the way the wrestler is shown on telly when he's walking to the ring.
The Ram is always the Ram with his fighting spirit although being a wrestler is rather being a faker and an entertainer.
Where ever he goes, how fragile he is, what he brings with him is a spirit of a fighter.

I'm falling in love with Mickey Rourke now and hope he win the Oscar for best leading actor.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Hussein Chalayan's exhibition

Hussein Chalayan's exhibition
at the Design Museum
in association with Puma

I love how they display these three dresses in this curvy room.

It makes me think of Kanye West's Gold Digger MV when he turns his back singing. Super cool.

It's sometimes more visually powerful when you show just the Back because things are usually shown in the front. 


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Grandma on a cake

Love grandma with big eyes on this cake in a bakery in Piccadilly Circus.
Very bold eyes and very funny to me.
Supposed to be a nice grandma but she seems scary haha.

T-mobile : Life's for Sharing

T-Mobile TV advert
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi London

Although I didn't like it that much, there is something I like about it

1) the short version shown next to elevator on the underground... gosh that one second camera flash in the very end of the film. By intention or naturally from the audience, it makes me feel something.... like it's real. Just a flash is very very powerful to me. 
Small details make a complete picture. And I believe they chose to include this shot by intention. 
I think only this short version is only available for the underground ad. 

2) Real event makes an advert. They made a real event at Liverpool Street station first then make that a film broadcast in 24 hours. People experience it before they see themselves in the advert and perhaps they already spread the news to their friends and family before the tvc went on the air. 

3) the song My Girl Lollipop.. you make my heart goooo giddy-up... :)

What's Wrong with the Bottom?

While I was cooking pepper-garlic shrimps,
I thought to myself if the bottom of the garlic clove could say, it would say... 

... what's wrong with me?
... why you have to cut me out of the meal?
... why can't I join the cocktail party with shrimps and pepper on the pan?
... why can't I join you the table?
... when I am as delicious as the rest part of the clove
... and I do no harm.. uh I don't know if I do any harm but I don't think I do
... and you can chew me
... and I do no wrong
... just that I'm not pretty.

Through the keyhole... at Pete Doherty's Pad

News = Advert

News = Advert

I read the Tuesday 27 Jan's London paper, the daily free paper given away weekday afternoon in London, on a Northern line to my friend's house in Camden town and was amazed with the news "THROUGH THE KEYHOLE... AT THE PETE DOHERTY'S PAD" with images of the messy bedroom, kitchen and lounge with words:

Pete Doherty may be trying to clean up his act but, from the look of these photos he should start by cleaning the house. The rocker invited Babyshambles guitarist Mick Whitnall over to his country house in Marlborough, Wiltshire, but didn't bother to tidy. It seems the singer had a rough night, with his bed turned on its end in a student-style room. His love of cats is also clear with at least half a dozen of the creatures roaming around the property.

Looking at a picture of an upside-down bed in this Kate Moss's ex-boyfriend and I wonder .... wow how that could happen! The news was made as if it's a snap from Mick Whitnall.

Just 5 minutes later, the first thing I saw when I got out of the station is a telephone booth with MTV ONE's advert: PETE DOHERTY IN 24 HOURS. AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE. SUNDAY 25 JAN 10 PM. MTV ONE. MTV.CO.UK/PETEDOHERTY

I'm not sure if what I saw on the paper is just the news. Because it did not mention any thing about the visit from MTV. Looks like the news but not the news. I think it's the advert that links to the more obvious advert when you're up on the ground.

Although the programme has already been on the air two days ago, but when I got out of the train and saw this poster, I went to the website to watch it straightaway!

Well, I guess it works for me. You make people curious first in the underground and then tell them there is some place they can really be part of that experience once they're up on the ground. And once you have invested in the programme, make the most of it beyond just the telly but after that on the internet and then people see other ads on the website.

At least, there is somebody's room that is messier than mine.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Current read: On Death & Dying - What the Dying Have To Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy, and Their Own Families by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Dr.Elisabeth, a psychiatrist quoted the conversation she had with terminally ill patients and have a catagorized the grief into 5 stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance 

Death is the thing I fear the most therefore I picked this book from the shelf at Foyles.

This book has some contents similar to the "Life Before Death" exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in May 2008. Death has become a taboo in the modern world since we are prevented from experiencing death unlike in the past that the dying would die at home surrounded by family and children are included in the process of dying and grief. Today most of us die at hospitals in grief.

Contents that touched me from the exhibition back in May last year.
The first exhibition I saw somebody burst into tears in front of the black and white photo of a dead baby and I couldn't help it too.
The most moving exhibition I've ever been part of.
Simple but moving because the content of real life that most of us would not experience until the time comes, the moment of dying and the bravery of the journalist and the photographer

"Life Before Death"
Photographer: Walter Schels
Journalist: Beate Lakotta

"Some of them couldn't accept that their life was going to an end because they didn't really live before. That's what they expressed. They said oh now is the end? I just thought it would be going to start. I just want to start living now. My whole life was work and now I wanted to enjoy my retirement or I wanted to enjoy my partnership... my relationship to somebody. 
I wanted to spend more time with my children. And they were very surprised that death came so suddenly so unexpected and they were very frustrated and sad." - Beate Lakotta

"In truth, it's very modern taboo. In former times, people have been used to having contact with dying people and also to have their beloved ones at home when they die so everybody even small children have an experience how it looks like, how the last breath sounds, how somebody looks like when he's dead, how it feels to touch somebody who's dead. And we lost this contact with death and dying since death has been banned to hospitals." - Beate Lakotta

"I think if you just try to imagine how you would like to be treated when you're dead, I wouldn't like to be treated as just a corpse or dead body... umm just close the coffin as soon as possible. I would like people I love... would look at my last face." - Beate Lakotta

"What I think the most important thing is to be aware that life has an end. To live daily life. Don't expect late for anything else but today." - Walter Schels

"We asked, in the beginning, we would like to take a portrait now and we would like to stay with you, we would like to visit you until the end. And we would like to take a portrait when you're dead. For us it was very difficult to ask this question. We had always been afraid to ask this because you express I'm convinced that you will die. When you ask somebody we would like to take a portrait after when you're dead. You express I don't believe in a miracle. I believe you will die very soon. And this was a very difficult question." - Beate Lakotta

"I'm not going to waste what time is left for me feeling sorry for myself. After all, the whole of life is a journey. Let's wait and see what the final part has to offer." - Irmgard Schmidt

"I'll be 57 today. I never thought of myself growing old, but nor did I ever think I'd die when I was still young. But death strikes at any age. It came as a real shock. I had never contemplated death at all, only life. I'm surprised that I have come to terms with it fairly easily. Now I'm lying here waiting to die, but each day that I have I savour, experience life to the full. I never paid any attention to clouds before. Now I see everything from a totally different perspective: every cloud outside my window, every flower in the vase. Suddenly everything matters." - Wolfgang Kotzahn

"My whole life was nothing but work, work, work. Does it really have to happen now? Can't death wait? I'm just so frightened. I don't even know whether I'll be going to heaven or hell." - Gerda Strech, died 68

"To be able to have one more summer. To go to the sea with my husband one last time. Not to die now but rather to have until autumn." - Beate Taube

"I'm so sad that I won't be there to support my children. I wanted to be there for them forever. Now I tell them a hundred times a day how much I love them."

For years, Heinz Muller has kept a pair of shoes hidden away. They are the shoes his mother was wearing when she was taken to the hospital where she died. --- "Every year, just before Christmas I would take out the shoes and polish them. Only this year I didn't get round to it because I was feeling too weak, I feel as if she's expecting me." - Heinz Muller

Monday, 26 January 2009

Common sense is...

  • when a bus door is opened again by a bus driver for latecomers after it had been closed one second before. This always makes me smile. A driver who turns a blind eye to take off is like a robot being controlled by timetables - lack of human common sense.
  • when you see somebody grabs their bag, ready to get out of the bus and you keep out of their way or c'mon why can't you sit inside by the window so when someone who just get on a bus doesn't have to squeeze themselves in that narrow way (because of your knees, feet, and shopping bags) to the inside seat. Do it at your living room.
  • when you know you're supposed to call me now!
  • and the common sense award goes to a manager at Kyoto restaurant in SOHO. A service with common sense to details. 

Quotes I like from the Body Worlds

From the Body Worlds exhibition

"And in the end, it's not the years of your life that counts. It's the life in your years" by Abraham Lincoln 

"Years may wrinkle the skin but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul." by Samuel Ullman

"Skin provides information about how the outside world feels."

Touched by a 4-week embryo

I was touched by A 4-week embryo today.
He/she was sleeping peacefully in a small glass container.
The 4-week one has its size as small as an ant.
When it's 28 days, it has eyes and heart.
This beautiful small creature will have fingers when it's 8 weeks. 
It reminds me of screenplay in Juno. 
So tiny, so beautiful.
Can't help crying when I saw this teardrop-sized human at the Body Worlds exhibition at O2.

A campaign against abortion should show these embryos to teenagers.
Not just a baby in the womb but how this little dear grows from a very very small size to having fingers, having hair, and get bigger and bigger.
Make them love the embryos before making them love the babies!
So cute!


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