Saturday 30 January 2010

Does she feel out of place?

Looking into her eyes.
Is she happy?
Does she feel like home here?
Does she miss her family back home?
Even her own child cannot speak Thai with her.
And she cannot speak English very well either.

Does she feel out of place?
What is she doing here?

Friday 29 January 2010

Why do surnames matter so much?

My mother's maiden name.
My surname.
My first husband's surname.
My ex-husband's surname.
I broke up with him but I want our son to use his.
My new Farang husband's surname
I want my daughter to use my Farang husband's surname.
I'm married but I still want to use my mother's maiden name...
because when she dies, I could get her fortune.

Oh human ... we evolve just around this stupid something that is actually nothing.

Names and surnames are supposed to be something that remind us the reason of our existence every time we are called, aren't they? especially Thai names that most of the names have nice meanings... to be good, to be fair, to be happy, to be joyful, to be conscious, to be diligent, etc...

They are brutalists.

My dear, just let it go.
There is no need you ought to be this brutal.
At first I saw you, I can tell from your manner what your intention is for today.
Don't be so angry.
Everything will sort itself out.
It's just a matter of time.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Friday 25 September 2009

Plot 1: Food as weapons

Plot 1: Food as weapons

How can you trust someone that they're not poisoning you, your family and friends by using food?

How much can you trust a stranger who cooks food so well and comes to sell delicious lunch boxes to the Government agency staffs who miss their home country food so dearly?

How can you be sure that one day Mumbai Dabbawala India will not be used by a terrorist as a conspiracy theory to kill 200,ooo lunchers daily?  

Heels = Dicks

Sunday night,
On the dance floor,
I was wearing flats
then this came to my mind

"Me without heels is like a man without a dick."

And if you want to save my life, just like throwing a life vest to a drowning girl... 

Can somebody throw a pair of heels to me on the dance floor, please? 





We are drunk in it.

Friday 11 September 2009

Get Lost

Use your Garmin to get lost rather than get it right. what on earth could be more pleasant than the road less travelled?

Wednesday 9 September 2009

How ridiculous a person can be.

They were fighting in a lick-the-boss's-arse war.
They were praising themselves in what they had done in the past, not what they are going to do in the future.
They were boasting instead of listening to other people's problems. 
They were talking about numbers, size, money, ranks, positions, and praise.
Wrong time, wrong place. 
I'm not writing this with angryness,
I'm telling it enlightenedly how ridiculous a human being could be and feel pityful.

Sunday 30 August 2009

fine art

I kept asking myself why I was turned off by the exhibition "Walking in My Mind" at Hayward Gallery ... and then Futurism at Tate Modern.... 2 years ago I enjoyed finding the meanings behind those art pieces in museums. Today I feel like I don't give a shit about what's on your mind about yourself or what your childhood was like, Nara. I feel that the in your face like Banksy's or Steven Meisel's fashion editorial are much more appreciable. Simple, sarcastic, easy to understand, about people, about the world, for people and they are the voice of what's going on now... getting tired of some kind of fine art.. feeling kinda weird. We don't need to look for meanings in every thing.. it's too complicated!!

some thoughts

Some thoughts from watching passerby at weekends.

Some kinds of heels can make some women look so ridiculous.

Oh I really love your smelling-good-intendedly-rugged look.

Worn out is cool.

Cool people simply dress basics - tee, jeans and Converse because they know they are cool enough that they need nothing more.

Sunday 9 August 2009

About a Boy

A small hero.

A boy: Nan, you don't like rats, do you?
Nan: No, I run away every time I see them.
A boy: I will get a snake. And when the rat comes, I will tell the snake "Go After It!!"
Another old lady asked the boy, "Why don't you like rats?"
"Because they bite!" replied the boy.

Circle line, getting off at Baker Street. 

What I would miss much about London

What I would miss much about London.

- A World in 6 seats. There are times when I see an Asian, Black, White, Indian, Middle-eastern, English sitting next to each other on tube seats. United Colors of London.

- There is nothing wrong with wearing ragged, ripped clothes. Kate Moss started it. Ripped stockings are cool. And you have to rip it at the parties. A tee with a broken seem is fine... perhaps they does it by intention?

- Drink Don't Drive. Because I own no car. My feet are my Land Rover. A bus driver is my chauffeur.

- Seeing people carrying papers while walking in Portobello market on Sunday mornings.

- An appreciation of sunshine.

- Tesco's Bagged Baby Leaf Salad

- Salmon & Mushroom

- People dress out of this world to show off on streets at weekends.

- Sunbathe in Hyde park

- Spotting the Americans

- Good taste kids

- Do you need a bag?

- Uncles/Grandpas in jeans and Converse

- Grandmas wearing pink lipstick with fabulous earrings

11:11 / 22:22

Most of the time I have a look at iPhone screen for the time, it appears to me either 11:11 or 22:22. It's been like this over ten times for the past month. Nice.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

A night in London

A night in London
Come away with me.
How can you mend a broken heart?
My blueberry nights.
Is he too slow to cross the street? Will he be alright?