My mom told me since I was young she believes in guardian angels, those who protect her when something bad is going to happen. It can be a sort of unseen energy or good people who happen to come to help at the right time. I thought it was bullshit but the older I am, the more I believe in such things and feel thankful for having guardian angels around me to always keep me out of trouble.
> A drug-crazed guy on the basement climbed up and knocked my window at 4 am with two glasses of champagne.
My angel was my elementary friend who came back from a night out with me and made me feel safe by talking peace with that guy. Although we got so scared in the end because the dickhead was swearing at us like he was gonna eat our flesh.
> I sent my passport to request for visa on Friday. My parents just landed Monday night to stay with me here for a month. Tuesday, my housekeeper received a call from the Thai Embassy in London that my passport is with them. I thought, "such a curious case... I need a Sherlock Holmes" Wednesday, my dad received a call he hadn't answered for a couple of times and it was a call from the Thai embassy informing us that my lost passport is with them. It was sent to them Tuesday evening. On a bus to the embassy, I was frustrated and wondering how that happened. Where are other documents? Did it come with the passport? And why 400 pounds was taken out of my bank account this morning for the visa fee? When I got there, the only thing I received is my passport only. With the help from the embassy, they gave me an official letter as a confirmation that what they got is the passport, with no other documents. My parents and I then went to the Home Office in Croydon. The letter was my passport to get in the office unless anybody with no appointment can get in. Meeting a gentle officer, he then contacted the Sheffield office and checked whether they have received other documents which are my MA certificate, two letters from the University and my personal bank statements. Fortunately, they have received it and I was told that the officer there told him they were aware that there was something wrong with packet. I then passed my passport to the officer and they will post it to the Sheffield office. Such a case. Really strange case. But I feel so thankful that my dear passport came back to me. Thank you my angels: my housekeeper p'Uan who lets me know the news, my parents who came just in time with relaxing attitude, a person who posted it to the embassy, all helpful officers at the Thai embassy who understood how frustrated I was, a generous officer at Home Office... all angels, thank you all energy force that drove things to happen at the right time and the right place.. I thought it wasn't right at first but finally I feel thankful and thank you my angels, both seen and unseen, I'm going to treat you well.
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